Monday, 13 April 2015

Counting sort in java

Any sorting technique which includes comparison of elements requires at least Ω(n logn) time if no extra space is used.
To sort an array in linear time that is O(n) we need extra space.

Counting sort can be used to sort an array in linear time while using some extra space.
But there are few assumptions while sorting using counting sort:
1. Array A is input array, Array B is output(sorted array), Array C is auxiliary space(C[0..k])
2. Array A contains elements in the range of 0..k where k is max element, so we need auxiliary array C with space[0..k]
3. Hence complexity becomes O(n+k).

Following program implements Counting sort in java.
 * @author vikky.agrawal
public class CountingSort {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         CountingSort obj=new  CountingSort();
         int a[]=new int[]{7,2,6,9,1,2,8,0,5,4,2,3,1,6};
         obj.countingSort(a, 9);
 * Algorithm
 * A[1...n] input array
 * B[1...n] output array
 * C[0...k] auxiliary array(k is the max element)
 * 1 let C[0..k]be a new array
 * 2 for i =0 to k
 * 3 C[i]=0;
 * 4 for j=1 to A.length
 * 5 C[ A[j] ]=C[ A[j] ]+1;
 * 6 // C[i]now contains the number of elements equal to i.
 * 7 for i= 1 to k
 * 8 C[i]=C[i]+c[i-1];
 * 9 //C[i] now contains the number of elements less than or equal to i.
 * 10 for j= A.length down to 1
 * 11 B[C[A[j]]]=A[j];
 * 12 C[A[j]]=C[A[j]]-1;
     * Sorting in linear time with auxiliary space O(n+k)
    public int[] countingSort(int[] a,int k){
        System.out.println("Input array :");
        int[] b=new int[a.length];
        int[] c=new int[k+1];
        for(int i=0; i < a.length;i++){
        // C[i] now contains the number of elements equal to i. if c[5]=3 then there are 3 5's
        //sutract 1 to make array index from 0;
        for(int i=1; i < c.length;i++){
        //C[i] now contains the number of elements less than or equal to i.
        //if c[1]=3 then there are 3 elements which are less than or equal to 1. 
        for(int j=a.length-1; j&gt;=0 ;j--){
            b [ c[a[j] ]]=a[j];     //c[j] contains actual location of a[j]; 
        System.out.println("\nSorted array :");
        return b;
    public void printArray(int[] arr){
        for (int a : arr) {
            System.out.print(a + " ");


Complexity analysis of counting sort:
Since there is no comparison involved in counting sort, there are no inner loops.
So a total running time of O(n) is required for input array and O(k) time required for auxiliary array.
Total running time could be estimated by O(n+k); which is a linear function hence counting sort runs in linear time.

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